Uneasy Asking for Payment? – Here is our Advice, be P.E.R.F.E.C.T !

Many business owners delay prompt debt collection in the vague belief that either, the customer will eventually pay, they find the whole process of chasing debtors uncomfortable or they don’t want to alienate valued customers. Worse still, some business owners fear bringing in an outside agency in the misguided belief that the process will be intrusive and detrimental to the client relationship.


The most important piece of advice that we give to any client when it comes to Money is…It’s your money, don’t be scared to ask for payment!


Here are our suggestions for being P.E.R.F.E.C.T when asking for what you are owed:


    • Have your call script to hand so to be both concise and professional.
    • Be bright and alert. Nobody wants to talk to a grump.
    • Ask yourself if the debtor can meet your request or will you need to negotiate.
    • Don’t go off track. You’ve called to ask for your money so ASK FOR IT !.
    • Although you need to be firm, you must also understand the debtor’s position.
    • Try to form a bond with the customer, they’ll be more likely to resolve your claim.
    • Always remember why you’ve rung, you need your money so make this your goal.


Action is the key, as our clients testify :

When Rob first mentioned his Credit Control service…it sounded too good to be true.
I had a list of customers who needed constant prompting to pay their invoices, but I didn’t have enough time to contact them all and still get on with my main workload.
Rob and his team now carefully and expertly look after my customers and encourage prompt payment of their invoices. Having them look after my business income, means I’m free to focus on the part of the business I really enjoy. Almost immediately, the turn-around in my finances helped rescue my cash flow and keep both the bank manager and my wife happy.”

Neil, Thornton Directory.


Of course if you would rather outsource your Credit Control or Debt Recovery, check out the rest of our website  Click Here>

Alternatively call us on: 01535 654 594

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