How do you make sure you receive a treat and not a trick ?
Halloween… a time for ghouls and ghosts, tricks or treats, but also due diligence.
We all dress up pretending to be other, often ‘un-worldly people’. The aim being to remain unknown, to scare or maybe trick the unsuspecting and hopefully to escape with a bag of loot. All in the name of fun of course.
If you consider this in a business context, it’s not so fun, especially when you consider the real aim is to trick you out of your hard earned money!
It may sound harsh even far fetched but we all know that there are companies out there who don’t need Halloween season as an excuse to try to pull the wool over people’s eyes.
Remember in most cases October’s invoicing is Christmas’s cash flow.
Doing all that you can now to ensure that your customers are true and valid, will go some way to ensuring that the invoices you raise this month have a chance of being paid in the future.
What action can I take?
- Check up on the liquidity of both your new customers and also your bigger value customers.
- Check that the account details you hold are correct and that you’re billing the correct company.
- Check that there aren’t any pending insolvencies raised against the customer.
- Check that the people running the company, are who they say they are.
How do I do that?
Use these FREE web-links to aid in your investigations :
As you know, our mantra is… ‘an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of the cure’… so being forewarned is forearmed.
In this season of pranks and high jinks, no matter how tempting it may seem to chase that quick buck, that big invoice, it is imperative your do your diligence first.
Don’t get fooled into accepting a trick, concentrate your time on receiving those treats !
Are you owed money?
Why spend valuable time chasing for payment when we can do it for you? Submit details of owed invoices quickly and easily , or simply give us a call 01535 654 594. On occasion you can even add our fee and interest to the total amount we aim to collect.
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